Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Politiks, As Usual.

In honor of B. Hussein Obama's unfortunate loss to C. Rodham Clinton last night, I am going to complain about another country's politics. What gives me the authority to give a far-reaching tell-all about the British political scene? Well, I've had over 3 conversations about it with over 4 Brits.
Well, first of all, it should be noted that the Indian folks here reminded the American folks (well, except one exceptionally educated citizen) about the very important Pennsylvania primary. That being said, there is another very important election coming up in Britain, specifically London- the mayoral election.
The election is on May 1st, and instead of the usual political posters run amok all over the city, there are signs put up by the city which say things like "Remember to register to vote!" or the badass "No vote, no voice, no excuse." I first thought this lack of visual electioneering was because of some kind of campaign finance law or something, but according to my well-funded research the candidates are perfectly allowed to print and distribute material, though not nearly as much as . Like one particularly charming candidate who, along with starting Fathers4Justice (you know, those deadbeat dads who say the justice system discriminates against fathers?) has a poster campaign to get anti-Scottish Londoners to support him. (His campaign website is if you're looking to donate)

But most importantly, I bring this all up because I've really been trying to get some locals to talk about the election, and NO ONE KNOWS IT IS HAPPENING. I've heard people say things like, "Well, all we hear about anymore is your election on the news" or "It's just so complicated." Even the Indians don't have an opinion, though they have said that they like Obama (though it may have been because I was rocking an Obama t-shirt at the time).
Currently, the race is pretty tight, with the incumbant behind by about 6 points (but closing in) to a conservative guy named Boris who seems to be Huckabeeing everyone by not actually having any sort of plan, aside from hating gays and the environment, but is somehow the frontrunner. But never fear, I have seen one "IMPEACH BUSH" sticker on a sign downtown. At least we're focusing on what matters.

- Lunn

THING I FORGOT TO BRING TO ENGLAND: Shampoo. Yep, been conditioning for about 6 days now.
FUNNY THING BRITS SAY WRONGLY: I couldn't quite make out the word, but evidently a blacktop playground is called a "beach" or a "beak" or something.


lojo said...

you're jock-strapped.

Mr. W said...

That's what she said.