Thursday, 12 June 2008

How British I Am!

Listen- hear that sound? Oh, wait, you don't hear anything right now. That's because the rest of the campus is off for summer holiday! No longer will I be serenaded by the sweet sounds of peeing and puking and doing coke below my bedroom window each Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.

Now before you start thinking I am a big ol' fuddy duddy and holing myself up in my room away from any cultural experiences, just listen to how British I am:

- I own an Amy Winehouse CD.
- I know how to correctly use the term "cheers."
- I have begun to develop a sense of superiority over the Irish.
- I yell at my students.
- I eat Polish candy bars like every day (you can't go two blocks without passing a Polish corner store).
- I don't look at people as I pass them on the sidewalk.
- I eat potatoes like every meal.
- I mind the gap.
- I understand the differences between Great Britain, Wales, the United Kingdom, and England.

Just kidding on the last one. . . which means I can add "I have a friggin amazing sense of subtle and absurd humor." WOO-YUP!!!

- L. Dunningland


Anonymous said...

Do you spell things like the Brits too? My favourite colour is periwinkle*, for instance.

*This is totally false.

Mr. W said...

no wa. I onli uz the mnimum amont ov letrz nesesari.